
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Argumentative essay: Gay marriage Essay

The Ameri corporation stargaze, one of forgivedom and equality, is held extremely in the hearts of every citizen in the United States. With the American dream in mind, most will dictate they delay equal up honorables for homosexuals. still if you ask these members of society if they are for gay marriage then the support of gay equality comes to a stop and majority of Americans vote for the underlying Amendment, which bans gay marriage. Americans do believe in providing equal rights to the gay community, which implicate no toleration of discrimination in jobs, rights protecting gays from indecent actions, rights allowing resembling access to housing, rights allowing advancement in government, and so on and so forth. However, the belief of gay marriage is still not considered an equal right to American people. A huge misconception is the theme that gays have a excerption to whom they can feel attracted to. Just as heterosexuals cannot choose who they are drawn to, incompl ete can homosexuals. Opposition movements promote that quirk is preventable. They believe living as a homosexual is not as easy as it is visualised in media.How can a member of the straight community say that homosexuality can be changed, or even if homosexuals can be happy or not. What about the research that has been proven that homosexuality is transmitted? No one would ever choose a life that is face up with prejudice and discrimination. Even if its ethnicity, spiritual beliefs or homosexuality. The same assumption of choice leads to the accusation that homosexuality is all about sex, which is called sexual perversion. Again, the truth is that homosexuality is multi-faceted. Homosexuality is more about the love and affection than it is sex. Sex, in a committed relationship is about expressing love. This is truthful whether it may be in a heterosexual or homosexual relationship. Being gay defines who that mortal is and makes up his or her identity. Very few straights can comprehend this. Instead, heterosexuals practice their beliefs support for what normal should mean.The most repeated cases opposing gay marriages is the idea that it is immoral, but the immoral label is only based on religious perceptions. The First Amendment states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise in that locationof. Religion is not, supposed to be the basis for our orbits laws according to the first amendment. Nevertheless, most of the individuals against gay marriage try out to stress their religious beliefs onto others and make those beliefs into laws. Not everyone is religiouslyinclined to the same morals and beliefs. The gay community is simply fighting to be free from religion in determining the laws of the country. The opposition believes marriage should be in the midst of man and a woman otherwise, the marriage would be untraditional. The anti-gay community alike believes same-sex marriages would thr eaten the basis of marriage. I strongly disagree with this argument because no evidence can support this allegation.How does giving a person the right to conjoin threaten marriage? Why is the right to get unify only given to the heterosexual society? Courts recently say there is no reason why gays should not be allowed to marry realizing the American principles of human rights. The reasoning behind such laws and beliefs seems more like indicate prejudice rather than an overwhelming reason worthy of denying people their civic rights. All in all, much of what the straight community believes to be true about gays is based only on stereotypes. There are those who collide with gays are promiscuous and are unable to form long relentless relationships. I believe these stereotypes are extremely inaccurate. Even though mobile and sex-based relationships exist in both the gay and the straight communities, they are unremarkably among the younger generation and only represent a small per centage. spanking marriage is defined as a legal union in the midst of members of the same sex. Ten percent of Americans, the size of the gay community, are denied the right to marry. The individuals representing this group want what every heterosexual has, the right to legally marry their life partner. As a country we need to move outside(a) from false reasoning, whether it may be based on ignorance or prejudice. all(prenominal) person needs to be allowed the civil right to wed his or her life partner. Our society must live up to the quota of the American dream. The make happy of Allegiance states liberty and justice for all and so should every citizen in our country.

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